Maths at the Nest

Understanding shape and spatial awareness.

Toys, such as Shape sorters, puzzles and wooden blocks. Having games of hide & seek and cardboard boxes to climb into for spatial awareness. mark mak-ing; looking at shapes drawn starting with circles and lines. Look at shapes in the environment and parents to point them out.

Routines and time.

Children will hear adults talking about time and days of the week and will begin to understand the basic concepts of time. They may be given a warning for things to happen, for example 10 minutes is bedtime, children may being to look at clocks and may have their own child clock to be easier to read.

Measuring and weighing.

Cooking and weighing out the ingredients, shopping and weighing out fruit & vegetables. Children love to fill and entry containers, often water play in the bath. Children will learn the language of size;’full & empty, bigger and smaller, heavier and lightest’.

Problem solving.

Working things out, maybe the shopping will not all fit in the cupboards or the cars in the car box.
Children need to think about these things and work them out.


Numbers are everywhere-Looking at numbers when out and about, numbers on telephones, front doors, at the shops.


Patterns can be seen in the home, for example fur-nishings. They can be seen outside, for example the pavement and arctitecture. Children often draw pat-terns and use colours to mark make

Mathematical language

Children listening to and adults talking to children asking questions and describing things, for example ‘is the car in the garage or on top of the garage’?
Using words like ‘over and under’ talking about sizes of things and shapes in the environment.

Maths Numbers

How maths is all around us and evident in children’s everyday lives.

The home environment is a rich source to learn about numbers, shapes, weighing and measuring, time esti-mating and looking at patterns while tackling problems in everyday activities. Children learn Through play with real objects and through the discussions and questions between children and parents.

Maths Numbers
Maths Numbers